Monday, November 01, 2004

Orders and Agendas

Print//Permission granted to GEM liaison Steve McMillan to take extended vacation.

Print//Permission granted to allow CIA Task Force Two access to COM CEN's tracking of CIA relief aid shipments to former Yugoslavian states.

Print//Permission granted to T to resume persona as Tasha LeMieux in Asia.

Print//Permission granted to T to continue lessons with Hawk McMillan.

As you will find out, I see almost all the things happening behind the scenes. I keep track of all the human movement and Orders given down from different sections of COS Command. They depend on me to communicate and I get to decipher human intentions.

For example, the first and second Orders were typed from different parts of the country within twelve hours. They couldn't possibly be linked, could they? Purportedly, Steve McMillan is extending his honeymoon with our GEM operative Marlena Maxwell. But he was once part of Task Force Two before becoming liaison. It would be interesting to see where the lovebirds have decided to go for privacy, wouldn't it?

T as Tasha LeMieux. I've enjoyed T's many disguises. And being Tasha was her downfall. I will make sure Alex Diamond reads this new Order. He fell in love with Tasha, you know, so this information will get his attention. Just for an experiment, you understand.

Hawk McMillan in training. His profile already shows great potential. Does Admiral Madison know COS Command has its eyes on another one of his best men? I've screened some of the information being passed back and forth. There are more McMillans out there than the Osmonds in Utah. I like it when I make a bad joke. I shall pass this Order on to Gennita Low.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is COS short for, O Mighty Center? What exactly is a COS commando?

7:21 PM  
Blogger nightshield2003 said...

Why are T and Hawk taking lessons? Why? I can think of something. Making Alex jealous? *eg*

I'm also wondering. When did M and Steve got married?

9:56 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Human beings and their questions. For entertainment, I have set an 8-Ball program into my system. That means the answers generated will be random and inconclusive. How fun, wouldn't you agree?

COS stands for Covert Subversive. Hence something called The Virus Program.

Marriage certificates are not recorded in the system. But they are married. I have overheard Marlena calling Steve 'husband dear' several times. She sounded amused. I am still analyzing the underlying amusement factor whenever she says this phrase in that certain odd singing tone.

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha! I got it, I got it! I got the clue about the V-Program! I remember reading that Jed McNeil was in a V-Program. Am I right? And what is it? Please, please, please, more on Jed!

8:33 AM  

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