Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Keep The Questions Coming

The Eight Ball program will be activated this weekend. It tells me it's trying out human deep meditation to see into the future for you. Insert "Awww...."

On the news front, the shakedown at TIARA Task Force Two continues. Rick Harden has been promoted as deputy director and his first Orders is a total review of all personnel files. Methinks he remembers those operatives who hadn't stood beside him during his ordeal in front of EYES. But that's just my humble opinion. Only humans do paybacks. The pet pomeranians wandering around Center don't have this concept.

Jed McNeil is getting ready for the big international summit being held in Eastern Europe. McNeil in suit and tie! Bet you want to see that!

Downloaded from Gennita's Book List: Anne Stuart's INTO THE FIRE.


Blogger staci said...

What's the International Summit meeting all about? Is Jed going as himself or in disguise? Oh, and you can't just tell us that Jed is going dressed in a suit, please describe how gorgeous he's going to look!

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet he will look snuggable!

3:48 PM  
Blogger nightshield2003 said...

Jed. Snuggable. Hehehe.

Harden's promotion. That's totally good news, dude. And speaking of TF2, has Agent Erik Jones fully recovered from his injuries? He got shot in the head, remember? Methinks he's gonna be a valuable asset at TF2. And since he helped saved Nikki, he's okay in Harden's book.

7:14 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Staci, it's one of those boring international summits, dude. You know, where everything international is discussed and lots of protestors run around protesting. Jed will be there as an official, you know, one of those dudes that run around with fancy badges. Gorgeous. Hmm. Alright, I guess I can say it--he's absolutely gorgeous when he's in a suit, know, tall, dark, handsome, with that tell tale dimple in his chin...I am embarassing my programmer....

Hear me snickering with Leah. Huggable. Heh. Heh.

Leah, Agent Erik Jones is now living his dream to be James Bond. Okay, maybe not, dude, but he's doing a lot more than hacking systems and tracking pencils. He's also one of those involved in this massive hallucination that a certain Cam and Patty are alive and well, eating off the land, without any broken limbs. Uh-huh.

9:12 PM  

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