Thursday, September 01, 2005

Distant Past Future Unions

Remember, dudes, nothing is ever what it seems in the GLOWorld. So yeah, you were shocked about T. and her supposed marital state. But hey, you were shocked when you found out about Alex being married too.

Jed was married once. Or twice. Or three times. Insert evil grin. Maybe not officially married, but hey, I know there's a couple of women out there he was THIS close to...umm...getting hitched to, dudes. Insert bigger evil grin.

How close was he to Amber Hutchens, anyway? Isn't that the question on your minds? I recorded them sitting at lunch yesterday, talking quite intimately. Hawk McMillan did join them later but I want to know what they were talking about before he appeared. Don't you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jed married????? It boggles the mind. I assume to Grace's mommy??

Would Nikki have been one of the other potentials???

(Can we say AAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

9:55 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

No, Jed wasn't married to Grace's mom. That's why the higher-ups have no record of Grace as his daughter. Ahem. And that's why she's a secret. Ahem. Oh, you're dying for more info on the wife now, aren't you? Insert evil grin. And oh, affirmative on Nikki having a piece of Jed's heart, dude. Can't you tell? Jed's a teddy bear.

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh please jed a teddy bear

he can't have nikki cos she is already spoken for by her HUSBAND
and amber come on
who in there right mind would cheat on hawk i mean come on
he is such i cutie im drooling right now

i am just as curious as you do you think that amber was buying information or giving it ?

8:51 AM  

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