Sunday, December 25, 2005

Everyone's Happy

Well, not everyone. But I suppose, unlike me, humans just are never satisfied.

The mission's accomplished and everyone's going through debriefing. Llallana has chosen to stay and Reed appears to be relieved but since he's also back in Joker form, so it's hard for me to gauge these little human nuances. Dude, you need to take the lady surfing when all this debriefing is know, another kind of debriefing. If that doesn't make him crack a smile, I don't know what will.

Something that'll make you happy: The Sleeper file's declassified now that the mission is A for Accomplished. Yeah, that's F for Fact. Now you'll find out WHO ISN'T HAPPY.

As for me, my Mentor is messing with my motherboard-brain. He's teasing that he's adding a new feature, a chum, a buddy-program, something that's like the Super 8-Ball. Is he MAD? Do I look like I need company in my SPACE? Dude, I don't need no stinkin' chum. I just know it's going to be worse that Super 8-Ball. My mentor claims it'll give me wisdom and sarcasm. Wazzat? Do I look like I need wisdom and sarcasm? Insert SNEER. That's sarcasm, yo.


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