The Men Know Better
Hawk's recovery is slow. He won't be out in the field with his team for another few weeks. He isn't happy about this. His cousin Steve McMillan tells him he's getting fat from all the food Amber Hutchens has been feeding him. Hawk sniped back that Steve was just jealous because Marlena can't...ah...cook. Of course, Lena was standing close by at that moment, and she invited Hawk and Amber to dinner that night. The expressions on the men's faces were similarly hilarious.
How I wish I have an electronic eye at that dinner. From the Task Force Two files, Marlena makes some mean pancakes...with curry powder. Poor Amber. She said, "Yes, I'd be delighted," before Hawk could stop her. Oh dear.
And don't forget about that icky looking omelet that Marlena cooked. Probably tasted yucky too. Poor Lena. We're picking on her. Hehehe
What one does for love, dude! I can't understand this at all. You don't do stuff like this, do you?
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