Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Fine Print

Reed Vincenzio has reported in. It appears that he has Lily in a very SAFE place. He doesn't have any evidence either way that the target has been reactivated or not. He doesn't have much time to find out, so he'd better remember the manual instructions.

The virtual reality project has a kink in it. Has anyone noticed it yet? Also, the fact that COMCEN's candidate has won the "contest" also mean that there are at least six potential candidates sitting around in the other departments' labs. You don't think they are going to just let them go without secret experimentations, do you?


Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Yes, super spies are everywhere. Scary, is it not? As for T., she is definitely being slowly reeled in. I wonder whether she knows it?

10:55 AM  

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