The Need To Know
GEM investigators are looking very closely at everything we can find about the CIA's Project Precious Gems. I guess, if someone is trying to duplicate moi, I wouldn't be taking it lightly either. Wonder what T's found out. She's been silent.
I think it's amusing to see how Amber Hutchens is trying to find out as much as she can about GEM and COS while she is here. I have been told to keep her out of trouble. After all, she sells information for a living, and she must not be allowed to see everything. But she's a smart one, that girl. And I like how she keeps referring to our GEM girls as witches when she's around a microphone, as if she knows she's being surveilled.
Witches. Covert lingo can be so entertaining.
Maybe she does know that people are listening.
Maybe she says what should be heard.
Maybe what is not heard is what should be of concern.
Don't forget, she is very bright.
Actually, GEM likes Amber.
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