Thursday, June 17, 2010

An Excerpt From Ch 2 Alex and T


T. didn’t open her eyes. “You know well I have nothing new to report about that particular situation.”

“You don’t know Diamond like I do.”

T. suppressed a smile. “I hear a challenge in your voice, Jed.”

“And why would I challenge the inevitable?” Jed mocked back, his voice a soft rasp in her earpiece. “You know he’d catch up with you sooner or later.”

“Why would he do that?” she countered. “He’s probably now running around taking photos of the Siberian countryside without a single thought about the other night.”

“Right. A beautiful Russian woman freed me from certain death. You think I’d not be curious about her identity.”

T. finally opened her eyes. She stretched her back. Sleep wasn’t going to happen, not with Jed McNeil constantly riding her, trying to pry information, as usual.

“Darling, thank you for the compliment, but let’s not forget one thing. Alex Diamond walked away from his old life. He’s not about to resume it just because a stranger helped him escape a dangerous situation.”

“Is that part of your SITREP?”

T. yawned. “NOPAIN doesn’t work on me with no sleep either.” Non- Persuasion and Innovative Negotiation was her forte, and Jed loved to use it on her. It must be a male thing to try to show the other person that he could be just as good at something.

Jed laughed quietly. “Your avoiding my questions tell me enough. You’re worried. You did do something the other night to perk Alex’s curiosity.”

T. frowned. “Now you’re annoying me. You know he isn’t ready, and I’ve spent the last few days getting prepped for my next assignment. If Alex does ask questions, he’d find a dead end to Talia Fyodorevna, because she’d be in Switzerland still, in isolation.” She sat up straighter. “Wait, are you saying he’s in Switzerland right now looking for Talia?”

That wasn’t a good thing. Alex Diamond was a COS Commando and he’d find out what others couldn’t. It was just a question of time. The short silence that followed wasn’t reassuring her.

“I’m going to make a few phone calls,” T. said, “to make sure he’s distracted for a while. I can’t have him interfering with our current mission, Jed.”

“Exactly. Just in case he does get to you, you’ll get rid of him ASAP.”

“Of course.”

“And T.? Maximillian Shoggi is a desperate man. We’ve squeezed him close to breaking point.”


Comments? Questions?



Anonymous Mo said...

Ah my dear Jed. :) I've missed him terribly. (Thinks of a certain friend and his use of NOPAIN, even though he's never heard of it.) And T. Sooooo cute! Already running and Alex hasn't even made his move yet.

And um...

T. finally opened her eyes. She stretched her back. Sleep wasn’t going to happen, not "with" Jed McNeil constantly riding her, trying to pry information, as usual.

Sorry! I just had to.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Gennita said...

No, Mo, you know I appreciate the extra pair of eyes! Thanks for reading!

7:31 PM  
Blogger DBD said...

I love the strength of your characters, especially the women. You give them such balance.

Just a few thoughts:

Re-word this sentence. “Your avoiding my questions tell me enough.” Maybe take out “your”. It speaks well, but it’s not reading well for me. I had to stop and re-read it to get it. Or maybe I’m slow.

Take out some, not all of the contractions.

“You know (omit: well) I have nothing new to report about that particular situation.”

“He’s probably (omit: now) running around. . .”

You think I’d not (? change to I wouldn’t) be curious about her identity.”

Thanks for the sneak peak.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Gennita said...

Careful, Deb, you might end up my beta reader. Then you'll be sick of correcting my stuff like the others. Bwahahaha.

5:54 PM  

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