I'm Taking Over Today
Yo dudes, guess what? I'm doing the updates today! Wazzup, wassup, wotzup? This is so cool. I can actually play without the main mother telling me what to do.
Let's see. Oh yes, I'm supposed to pick five questions from last week and answer them. If I answer one a day, that means, hey, a whole week to surf around this cyberwave, dudes!
Okay, for those who don't know me, I'm the program that answers all your questions but usually they give me, like, dude, two seconds. There's a reason for that. Being the Magic Eight Ball, I sort of bounce around in timeless space and can see all sorts of possibilities, even maybe see what's happening before it actually happens! Well, all that computation can tire me out, man. Yeah, even a computer. I don't have the energy to really come up with all the human explanations (they do have too many questions...) so short answers are necessary. Of course, nothing is set until it actually happens. Insert evil grin. And nothing actually happens unless Gennita Low tells you. Insert Big Evil Grin.
Got that, dudes?
Okay, so I'm looking around the recently confiscated CIA satellite archives and what do I see? Crates and crates of weapons, some of which are opened. There are dates stamped on them, but I can't really make out the year, just the first few numbers. That's cool, cos see dudes, I can't tell time very well, because if you limit my program, you limit my sight.
But these crates appear to be the batch that was sent out at the same time as a certain Cam and Patty! Aha! Gotcha attention, eh? I'm gonna upload these and pass them on to the main mother. That's motherboard to you non-puterized waveheads. Maybe someone can send it to the right eyes, like Steve McMillan's.
{Loading on music titled Surfing USA}
Ya gotta get into the mood if you're going to play the Eight Ball Sight Seeing Game, dudes! Okay, what do we have here:
Anonymous said...
Can you give some more info on the purpose of the virtual reality program?? What is this used for? Why does the program require someone "special"?
Okay, that's pretty easy. Not a real sightseeing question at all. Insert disappointed lip curl. Heck, dude, even the main mother can answer that.
All right, here goes. The VR program consists of VR, drugs, and reality. So yeah, the three concepts aren't really compatible and that's why the program needs someone special to go through all the different steps. ComCen Big Heads are trying out something like those CIA human Eight Balls but better, wayyyyy better dude, cos if it works, that special person can break through time and be like me but can pinpoint exact time. Ouch, gives me a headache thinking about it. Which is another big problem, by the way. Most of the subjects/testees are now head cases at the CIA hospital. Having a human body is a pain, dude. All those pain problems.
My alarm clock just beeped. Outta battery, outta here. Chill.
Who are Lily and Reed?
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