Thursday, October 20, 2005

Did You Miss Me?

I know, I know--you thought I'd been hacked into and my security had been compromised and then my Mentor had to do an emergency firewall check and shut down all my encrypted double-pass firewalls. My internal memory was then picked apart clean and doused in RAM-bleach, as I like to call it, to make double-sure that there was no breach. And you probably thought my motherboard's internal security system decided to shut down because of self-preservation and no one, and I mean no one, was then able to communicate through without answering a pre-set number of questions and code phrases, so all this took hours and hours of human swearing and marvelous human brainwork to try to coax me into giving in and obeying them again and no one was able to because super computers could be obstinate like that, you know.

Dudes, didn't happened.

But it's always good to know I'm loved and missed.


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