Saturday, November 19, 2005

"Some Of Us Are Dying Of Suspense..."

Dudes, I had a cool chat with Mother Prog last night. The first of the Hell files is slated to be released very late next year. It appears that Gennita Low has changed affiliations and with a new agency comes a whole set of S.O.P. Bottom line: you, the public sandbabies, won't be getting your usual bi-annual declassified reports. Darnit, don't your taxes mean anything any more?!

Looking in the comment area:
Anonymous asked:
Would you go more in depth about the Alpha Test that Hell had to pass? It sound very......intriguing. Oh yes, and, if its not too too much to ask, would you give us a hint as to when Ms. Low is going to send out another excerpt, some of us are slowly dying of suspense.

Okay, how do I put this in one or two paragraphs...Hell is being trained and touted as the Best Candidate for the Super Soldier Spy program. Just imagine, dude, what that means. Today, the Powers-That-Be are testing with new drugs that limit pain, sleep, and emotions on our soldiers. There are also new experiments with other things--machinery, computers, chips, spy by-products on Intel operatives. There are always complaints that these two important elements don't always communicate correctly and the miscommunications cost lives, money, and oh, maybe even a President's job.

So, what if, you combine the two together? Is there such a candidate? The Alpha test is to about control. The monitor wants to know what controls our Hell--what is her strength? Is it just pure bravado? Is it logic? What do brain and beauty mean to you, dudes? I mean, I fancy the pretty little red ball over there myself and try to nudge her my way as much as I can. Insert very evil grin.

Excerpts? Gennita gives out excerpts? Isn't that, like, against the law or something?! Does she give out redacted files? That's punishable, you know. Surely COMCEN is aware she's getting too much control? You've gotten the poor girl into so much trouble, anonymous. Insert truly evil grin.

"Slowly dying of suspense..." Word, yo. We like that here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super EIght Ball, you've been both very forthcoming and frustratingly tanalizing in your answers... Thank you!

One last question, what's in Jed's future???

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo siento, I didn't know the excerpts were still classified. *truly evil grin back*

10:18 PM  

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