Thursday, December 09, 2004


Sarah said...
When was Jed's agency started, by what organization, and why DUDE?

Sarah, dude,

That's one complicated question. It will take all month for you to entangle all the acronyms and departments. Let's see whether I can give a few simple details without bogging down the surf.

COS Command is modeled after SOG from the Sixties. The existence of the Studies and Observation Group, a covert covert group within a covert group, was denied by the government for years. They were military experts picked from all the special forces and they went on covert assignments. CCC is sort of like that, only with scientists involved.

There are many departments who claim they run CCC but if you have my information, who do you think runs it? I have yet to see Jed McNeil following orders. The one time he disappeared for almost a year, the Center was in chaos. Of course, four popular commandos dead or missing at that time didn't help. The whole Virus Program was in jeopardy. Oops, let that one slip by....Happy swimming!

Are you satisfied with the answer, Sarah?


Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

That's the Eight Ball--always on the verge of the truth. There is always the next question, Sarah.

7:34 PM  

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