Monday, November 22, 2004

Almost there

Judging at the way Agent Vivi Verreau is looking at SEAL Lieutenant Jazz Zeringue during the last Joint Session meeting, I should take the initiative and search my database for a new French liaison with Interpol. I am satisfied that Vivi has finally resolved in her mind to judge the man and not the uniform. She should have just asked me, of course. Would have saved her and the lieutenant all this wasted kissing time when they could just discuss logically.

Onto another interesting problem--I do not think talking logically is Alex Diamond's agenda today when he sees the photos I have of T in front of a SEAL team, especially the one with her and Hawk.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes i will add my pretty pleez with a cherry on top to that,dude.

2:35 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

I find this obsession with all things T and Alex very curious. I will comply with your request because I want to understand this. Or is it more of Hawk you want to know? But he isn't COS, so he can't be that interesting.

In this particular photograph, T was using her Tasha persona, standing beside Hawk McMillan. She had a hand on his arm and he was looking down at her. They weren't alone. The whole SEAL team was there sitting in front, but they weren't in the photo.

I am only revealing this info to you because Alex Diamond doesn't see that. I believe this is called a relevant detail, am I correct? But what Alex sees is important to you, isn't it?

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh, Interesante muy interesante

5:16 PM  

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