Only One Thing Missing
Hawk has reported in that all Dilaver's caches have been taken care of. No sign of the missing isotope explosive device, of course. But there are now rumors in the black market that someone is seeking for this weapon, with a high price on the thief's head. Very interesting.
So what is happening behind the scenes between our adversaries?
So in previous post you have mentioned this author named Gennita Low.....Recently i read an excerpt that supposedly came from an idea for one of her next books. Can you verify that she did indeed leak an excerpt to a few indiviuals and can you find out what this new project is, how its working, and when the final copy will be released. And if you do find out all of those things would you please share with the rest of us.
Dude, do you think I'm the super magic Eight-Ball? Insert grin. I'll do my best but I'm only that far-seeing, especially about time. Time, as you know, doesn't always travel in a straight line if you're playing with a virtual reality machine that gives you opportunities to remote view. Ooops. I guess that Gennita Low knows a little too much.
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