Who's Out In The Field?
Nikki Harden is going out on the field...a surprising decision.
Dudes, did you catch on the news about the creation of the new super soldier? Well, there is something unsaid there...about the new super soldier spy. Insert evil grin. A competition and guess whose candidate won? And so the others are now delegated to just super soldier status. Aw...
Is it really ever over? Is it not too soon to know who the newest super winner is for sure? Knowing the rules will assist in knowing if the newest Super Spy can temporarily be a location winner!
Loyalties to Hawk, for the right reasons, will win! Hawk IS the HERO, afterall.
Nikki out in the field??? Can you give us any details? Will she be assisting Reed and Lily or is this for another reason?
Dear Anonymous,
Dude, don't you trust me when I said Hell won?
Yes, sheeeeee's back.
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