Thursday, March 03, 2005

Who Da Man?

I'm totally into this new freedom, dudes. It's good to cyber-surf anywhere I want. Third question coming up and it's all about you, Leah!

Leah wants to know about Bradford Sun and what role he's going to play in Hawk's adventure. Bradford Sun, at this moment, is checking up on Hawk McMillan. I don't think he likes our dude! Can't blame him...around Velesta (that's where Hawk is right now), the CIVPOL chief's known to be sweet on someone blonde and blue-eyed. American. Cafe owner. Get the picture?

Do I see these two men working together in the future? The Eight Ball's prediction: Oh yeah...I see them in some sort of a partnership. There's going to be an understanding between them, anyway. But right now, Hawk's having a very tough time trying to keep his hands off what humans call "another man's woman."

But all future depends on current actions, we know that! Out of battery, out of here. Chill!


Blogger nightshield2003 said...

Woohoo! A love triangle. I like it. Heh. Thanks dude.

4:03 PM  

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