Monday, July 11, 2005

Dancing With The Eight Ball

Dudes, I'm so totally wanting to learn ballroom dancing. I mean, those costumes! They look like they'd look good surfing.

It's pretty cool how humans can tap into a mass consciousness and suddenly some image or some news or some trend becomes news du jour. Like ballroom dancing. Gennita Low has been going gaga over our young Vincenzio's ability to tango, even taking some lessons herself so she could have the exact positions to write about in her report. So be prepared for some tango scene. Hint, hint.

Pretty cool dude, that Reed. Surfs. Dances the tango. Thinks like a philosopher. Must have been a beach babe magnet when he was a surf-rat. You have seen the photo of him, right? Can the sleeper resist him? I tell ya, GEM is very smart when it comes to choosing the right package for their missions.

Now, part two of the very deep-thinking Anonymous Babe, who wrote:

And finally, do you have any thoughts on who made the phone calls to trigger the sleeper cell? If it was GG, then how did the sleeper not make the connection? Is this whole thing purely voice activated?

1) Yeah, I've had plenty of thoughts about the culprits. You have an idea, just from the ending of chapters in The Hunter files, dude. Right there, at your fingertips. It's not who that's important anyway, but why.

2) Get outta here--if a sleeper was "asleep," would he know everything when he wakes up? Can you remember every single detail of your dreams? Again, my question would be, why is the target taking so long to reappear in the theatre?

3) Voice activated. Ooooh. The water's getting mighty warm, mighty warm. In fact...

Oh, outta battery, outta time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eight Ball Dude, you have to tell me what makes Jed McNeil so damn sexy. I just WANT him!

9:57 PM  

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