Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I'm crazy behind today. Ya didn't know eight-balls can get behind in their tasks, did you? Sometimes even puterzoids get overwhelmed, dudes.

Today, that entity named Gennita Low made me swear! On my honor, no less. Did she think I have any? But I did do it. She made me swear not to reveal the Big Mistake in The Hunter files that no one has caught yet. It's a BIG typo, of stupendous logical proportions. It's so big and so stupid, it's got me chuckling, which is totally uncool for a Super Surfing Eight Ball. Technicalities are very important in the spec. ops. world, you know. Ah well. Maybe she can correct it in future reprints, if she's lucky.

Question in the Comment Depot is from SARAH:

I have a question too!!! What is the deal with this Hell chick and what is the Alpha test?

By Golly, Miss Molly, are you wayyy ahead of the curve, dude! Where have you been hanging out at that you've heard of the Hell chick and the Alpha test? That's, like, so top secret it's not even coded Red. It's coded FLUX.

Let's see, how do I say something without getting in trouble myself? The Hell chick's name is Elena, by the way, but no one calls her that except her monitor. She's being trained to be the second tier of the V-program. Shhhh. I mean, she's just an experiment, *cough *cough. The Alpha test is a essentially a blind test in which an alpha female's comfort zone is...ummm...shall we say, realigned? Personally, I think Hell is going to kick some butt when the right time comes!

Can you believe it's mid-week already? Almost time to surf off into the big cyber ocean! Dudes, it's been sweet but y'all are damn quiet this time. Maybe it's the midsummer sun and surf's up. In that case, you're excused. But you're making me pout. Not even a welcome comment? Heartless, dudes, heartless.


Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Wow, are we being sarcastic! You know--a woman's comfort zone is a very private thing. Every woman's got several, some of them to do with the most trivial things, like reading. I've heard that some women just can't get into assassin heroines, you know? That's pushing their HOT button, or, as I call it, getting them outside their comfort zone. So, what's Hell's comfort zone? And how does her special trainer test her? Yup. You know he's going to reeealllly try to make her squirm. Ahem.

The Other Super Eight Ball Dude

10:38 PM  

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