Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Numbers Game

Life's good when you have a number, dudes. Take Number Eight for a ball, for instance. You get a LOT more respect when you have that number, even if you're bald and round.

And when you happen to be a Number Nine, dudes, that's the ultimate. It's the completion of the cycle, the knowledge of the truth is in your hands. It's easy to walk away when you have that number. But what happens when a Number Nine meets another Number Nine? I've always wondered about that.

Puuure conjecture, sandypoos, purrre conjecture. Sometimes, when I'm looking at too many waves, I start thinking too much. What does the evil mother prog like to say during certain moments? Oh yeah, insert Evil Grin.

And here's another question from another Anonymous Dude:

What is the probability that Reed will be able to disengage the sleeper with out killing her. like what is the probablity that she will live through the process?

Probabilities? Ya asking me probabilities? Math is such a straight line, dude! A straight shot--I would say she's dead meat. A bank shot--I would say that as long as she's aware, there's hope. A trick shot--well, that depends on what exactly is the point here, to get the sleeper or to get what she has in her possession. But Reed might be doing the break shot, and in that case, we will have to see what he does first!

For a sleeper to survive the removal of a trigger depends of the level of hypnosis she had been taken under by her handlers. That's a subject the mighty CIA (and various other international agencies) scientists have written volumes about. Trust me, it ain't a secret.

On a lighter note, I'm still trying to understand why they always bend spoons and forks on television to prove how strong they are. Why not make bigger waves? Now, that's mind power!

Outta battery, outta time, dudes!


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