Monday, August 15, 2005

Controlling Knowledge

Evaluation of target so far:

1) No sign of anger
2) No mention of isotop explosive device in her possession
3) Fear but reluctance to reveal who's after her
4) appears to be in control of faculties

Reed shows some worry about the previous night's adventures. The injury isn't too serious but he thinks she is in danger. But perhaps, that's one way to get to her pursuer--use her as bait? Just a suggestion, dudes, just a suggestion.

Locking her away from communication is another good idea too. She will grow to rely on Reed for information, which we can feed and control. Yes? But of course, Reed will need her cooperation if he wants her trust. I wonder how he's going to get that...any suggestions, dudes?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps, He should just tell her what is going on. From my observations....women ususally like being told the truth, the WHOLE truth. I don't know, might just be my crazy inner voice suggesting this, but you did ask for ANY suggestions, DUDE.

4:42 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

I've heard that the truth and life aren't that simple. I'm not sure why yet, but I'll be sure to compute the probability when I have enough information.

8:12 AM  

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