Friday, December 02, 2005

Making The Right Moves

Guess Amber won the argument/discussion with Hawk McMillan...she's going to Pristina with the rest of the gang. Human relationships--so much more complicated than surfing.

Now I'm kind of looking forward to the big meeting. How is Llallana going to react on seeing Amber? Will she run again? Or will she stay and face the friend she betrayed? My Mentor and I are placing making bets. Things are heating up in Pristina! About time too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that amber forgave Llallana to easily she should have hated her but on the other side i am a ice bitch so maybe it is just me but i would have slapped her so hard i mean she left her to get raped by a load of men including dilivander
and i totally support hawk threatening her
i wouldn't care if she was brainwashed she still did it

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do you think ?

7:18 AM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

What do I think? I don't understand the concepts of anger or forgiveness in the way you do. I can only explore it from the point of view of those who program me or from percentage calculations.

If the question to me is, would it make Amber feel any better if she'd slapped her? First of all, I think Amber Hutchins would punch rather than slap. Not in her nature. But consider also her background. The woman was brought up by missionary parents. I think it makes her more "giving" and "forgiving" than other humans, don't you agree?

Hawk, from his point of view, has every right to be angry because he has no ties to the woman who had hurt his beloved other than a few meetings. If it had been Jazz who'd betrayed him, Jazz whom he'd trusted to shoot at him and NOT killed him, it might be another story, eh?

Point of view. So important for a Surfing Magic Eight Ball.

9:54 AM  

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