Friday, May 05, 2006

Intel is about Tel-ling and NOT Showing

I've been experimenting with sulking. It's doable for a puter like me, you know. I absolutely refuse to post any more pictures of commandos. Bah. My Mentor has finally agreed that I'm right. This is my blog and I'll sulk if I want to! Anyway, I'm learning compromise too. Pictures of commandos once in a while in exchange for more new programs to play with, ha.

Everyone's fine, including Hell, who has a few days off from VR. Nikki's fine. Alex and T are...fine, I guess. Jed's not here but I'm sure he's fine. Flyboy, Shahrukh and Sullivan are on a picnic transporting "food" packages through Afghanistan. 'Nuff said. Armando is in Chinatown doing his own thing. He is definitely NOT fine.


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