Big News
To put it mildly....
At this point, I have been given permission to declassify a special brief, something I've wanted to tell my surflettes for a while now. In it, Jed reported that Hell saw something very interesting during a remote viewing session. Oh, dudes!
You're going to explode and start asking questions. I just know it.
He said...
You ready for this?
He said Hell saw a crate with some items of clothing. Specifically a bloody tie. The whole thing, in his words, was "an arbitrary overview of the locations of the missing weapons. We were out of time and Helen Rostova was getting markedly exhausted during the operation. We decided to double-check a certain suspicion of the intruder's motives and this visual came up. It was only for a few seconds and caught my interest. On review, I'm going to send a private message to GEM operative M and our liaison, Steve McMillan." the time, M and Stash were on private vacation, remember, Jed? Do you think they would want to be disturbed!
Do they, sandcrabettes? BIG news item, though!
Labels: Secrets
I remember them being in the middle of no where and looking for crates. Could this be why? Were they there because they received a private message? And the bloody clothing? Could our missing peoples be alive?
Hmm, Anonymous, you have excellent memory. :insert evil smile:
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