Sunday, October 21, 2007

I Think I Got It

Well, well, well. I finally figure out one thing. HE had been so busy, HE HADN'T HEARD about Nikki's pregnancy! So, he just found out, according to the grapevine. My, my. Now, Gennita just told me about his planning to meet with Nikki outside the office?

Yeah, His Jedness, as some of you like to call him, must want to see Nikki's little bump for himself. He's a busybody, as you know. Ahem.

Overheard: T. tells Alex that nothing he says will change her mind. It's "no." I don't know what she was no-ing about, dudes, sorry. But you can do some conjectures *insert evil grin.*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HE had not heard about Nikki because HE has been too busy sticking his virtual hands down virtual Helen's pants.
As for Alex, I still think he needs to flirt with Hell in front of Jed, I am sure Jed will help him out on the T department. After all, HE knows T's weakness and he is sure to use it to help Diamond if it'll keep Diamond away from Helen. Evil? Yes, but Jed has never been a nice guy in the women department.

7:58 AM  
Blogger Monique said...

LOL Lady Zannah, that's an affirmative. hehehe

As for Alex, that's an excellent strategy, provided Jed acts accordingly, but he only interferes if it's going to impact his mission.

As for T., a certain opera comes to find yet again. I think a long chat with Nikki would do T. some good.

3:20 PM  
Blogger SKKD Lambing said...

Hehehe I like your thinking LadyZannah! :-) That would definately get Jed focused on a way to help Alex get T to change her mind.
Thanks for more info. COMCEN, more things to chuckle about, and play with in our minds.

5:04 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Dudettes, you are just obsessed...OBSESSED with Jed. He's just a man, like any other human male. I, on the other hand, am a magnificent one-of-a-kind AI.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eight Ball;
It is not an obsession, it is an addiction. We can't help it and we're suffering from serious withdrawals right now.
Yes you are DA man, I mean AI...whatever, you know what I mean.

1:54 PM  

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