Monday, January 24, 2005

Insider Outsider

There are information channels everywhere. Some of these operate under the guise of thinktanks. There is an agency in D.C. with which I would like to have more connections, but only Jed McNeil seems to have an inside source. I suppose that's why sometimes being human can be useful.

This agency functions as an information channel in the most interesting way. Their operatives, depending on level, are sent out as interpreters and foreign affairs directors for political groups from different countries. I can only calculate the probability of classified information that could be procured (I am debating whether it is appropriate to use the term salivate. Salivate over the information that could be procured...doesn't sound very appetizing).

Jed told me that there's a term the spy-op world uses on these operatives. They are called ghosts. On my prompt, he explained they are viewed by field operatives as agents who are paid to move in and out of the domain, seeing and hearing only, and not participating, like ghosts. They are untouchable, like ghosts. They also have a propensity to cause problems to any agency who comes after, or injures, any of their operatives by withholding very classified information when they need it. Like avenging ghosts.

Imagine all that information in my database! We need to insert a plant in there. Jed McNeil says the risk is too high right now. I disagree. But there are other ways.


Blogger staci said...

Jed seems to have a lot of power. That could be bad and good. What's to prevent him from using info for evil things? T also has a lot of power. Does any one person or thing have control over these two?

3:53 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Nothing can prevent anyone from doing 'evil' things. It all depends on which side you're on.

8:30 AM  
Blogger staci said...

Everyone has bad and good in them. Certain circumstances in life drive us in certain directions. Jed has had a lot of bad things happen to him, which side is driving him more? He seems to enjoy his power over people and information. He needs to be brought down a peg or two.

2:22 PM  

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