Saturday, March 05, 2005

Double Agent

I can't believe my time's almost up. It's really constricting--this time thing. How do you adjust to it? The mother prog says everything's about TIME. Is that true, you think?

Too deep, man. Ya know, dudes, you see better when you aren't confined by the clock.

Question Four-->
Staci asks: Is the double agent a woman?

Yesssss, a question about the future, albeit a softball one! The answer is yes, it is and she is very close to home. Staci, this person has caused a lot of havoc in many people's lives. From the several paths I can see out there, she's going to make the choices that will ensure a big ending.

Okay, that takes care of that. Ya know, I had a dream last night. Yes, Eight Balls dream...we have two dream modes--Sleep and Hibernate. I dreamed of a very big and muscular man. I've seen him somewhere before. And he's on board a sailship to the very ends of the world--I see penguins and ice is floating all over the place. And then I hear him talk to one of the penguins: "Don't ever cuss, or God will send you after a stupid woman who can't even tell she's buying a ticket for an extreme sports and not a cruise, and you end up here like me, walking on penguin shit." End dream.

I searched the files for this man's face. I knew I've seen him before! It's that big SEAL dude, man, the one they called Cucumber. Now what's a Cucumber doing talking to a penguin? Strange dream.

Out of battery, outta here. Chill!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:35 AM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

You see, my D. Angel? Someone unplugged me for two days. It's not the size of the battery but the power behind it. But it's been fun while I got to play, dude! Back to just a visiting Eight Ball....

10:45 PM  

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