Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hell On Flyboy

Hell's journal:

I see Flyboy a lot. I suspect I'm part of his assignment, although his friendliness is genuine enough. Doesn't hurt that the man's every woman's eye candy. Beautiful to look at, with those gorgeous baby blues that undress a woman with a look dripping with sex, without him saying a damn word. He flirts with me and I enjoy it. Who wouldn't?

I found out that he was also the model for the SolarBot simulator--Project X-S Bot??? from a few years ago. I really need some time to look up what that was about because I know it's all connected with deep immersion virtual reality somehow. My two years out of the field had limited my sources and I'm not up-to-date about everything. Even this GEM-COS merger feels new to me when it's actually been...yeah...over two years. So much had happened since the big bang. Will I ever find time to catch up? Will I ever shake the feeling that he's watching me, even when I'm asleep?

Paranoia will destroya, Hell.

You know, dudes. That Hell knows more than she's telling. And Flyboy has definitely been asked to keep an eye on her. He has a reputation as a ladies' man. Hell likes him. He likes Hell. I could tell.

Yo, Hell, many people are watching you, woman. Insert evil grin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, let's see....who was it that had those gorgeous baby blues? Think I'll have to review those de-classified files again....that is unless COMCEN is willing to refresh our memories....hmmmn?

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More info on Flyboy please!!! So is Flyboy the one who's been messing w/Hell in the virtual world or is it someone else?

4:46 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

to both Anonymous,

Flyboy wants to mess with Hell all right. Insert evil grin.

8:43 AM  

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