Monday, February 27, 2006

Turn On Turn Off

We have some neat toys at Command Center. Hell has access to some of the newer ones. Here is her talking about it in her journal:

The CAVE is the most technologically advanced virtual reality environment. It's a stimulation and manipulation of the senses. Sometimes it gets too much and I have to ask him to stop. But he rarely does. The first time, he told me, there's no stopping in reality. So bite me, I know it's not, so I'd stop it if it hurts. I shouldn't have said that aloud, though, because the next time he really pissed me off when he continued the practice session when I requested for a pause. It isn't fair he has the controls on in his side. Pffft on all this I am trainer so I am god stuff, dammit. He just likes to piss me off.

I'll get back at him somehow. You just wait and see. I know the CAVE is just a process to the next step. Our brains and bodies are being prepared for the next phase and I*, me, moi, am the one in control in that one. So, hah, Mr. Trainer. We'll see who's asking who to stop then.

Helen, Helen, Helen. Don't you know the preparer is always prepared? Or at least, that's what my Mentor always tells me. He writes the program, he always says, and he knows all my flaws. I do not actually comprehend what he means, but I suspect it has to do with the fact that he can turn parts of me on and off with codes and passwords. Hmm. And is Hell being programmed that way? I can't wait for the next phase now.


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