Monday, May 29, 2006

Protective Men

Yesterday, Nikki Harden fainted. Pregnancy related. She was in Medic till Rick Harden rushed here and took her home. I checked the med report. Nikki's okay, just a combination of dehydration and pregnancy-related minor problems. I guess she shouldn't have gone on that trip run in Tibet a few days ago. She wanted to see something, she'd said. I know why she went. She found out that was where she was held prisoner for a long time. I don't think Rick was going to be too happy when he found out, dude. I heard him using some choice words in his conversation with Jed.

Not that it was Jed's fault, of course. He was away somewhere else. I think he'd have stopped her from going if he had been here. Or maybe not. Jed is weird like that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was Rick in the first place? I doubt he was accusing Jed of having anything to do with it, though. If Jed knew, he would have gone WITH her since her husband was nowhere around! But these days, Jed is busy totally tied up overseeing a certain operative, isn't he? Isn't he?

3:29 PM  

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