Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A Human Thing

Hawk has reported in. His message: The new contact will do. I guess that means he approves of Amber Hutchens. Has he met Llallana Noretski yet? She might be in town.

Steve McMillan reported in. His message: Unable to establish link between ambassador's wife and newspaper article outing her as one of our own. He didn't add that they were also trying to find the locations of certain crates. No success yet, or he would say something. Marlena has not reported in but these days, it's easy to track her.

Human beings. Got to read between the lines when they communicate. I'm glad my Mentor has given me other lessons besides that of probability factoring.


Blogger staci said...

How are Marlena and Steve making their relationship work with all this spying and lying going on? What happens when the other has to seduce another person to get information for their organization?

5:20 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Staci, I do not know. I hear that life and its choices is tough on humans.

Sarah, They have not ask me anything of importance.

8:07 PM  

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