Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Risky Business

Is there a contingency plan if Hawk's cover is blown? There's a small probability that he might escape Dilaver before the kingpin kills him and he can make contact, but as of now, there's no extraction plan if he becomes Dilaver's guest. By the time the extraction team gets to him, there might not be much Hawk McMillan left.

Jed has requested for certain ghosts* to supply as much observation material as possible from the brothels. Hawk's movements are at least partially monitored. Not much of a safeguard.

*read previous post this month on information agents given this name by other covert operatives.


Blogger staci said...

So is Stephan done with this mission and returned to his normal persona or will he keep popping up? I don't know he seems to really like the brothels, can he stay away? To introduce Hawk to Dilaver then leave him seems kind of cold.

9:44 AM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Hey Sarah, Ya think Amber will be able to protect Hawk alone? I'll have to get COMCEN to calculate that probability. Remember, an asset can be a liability, and vice versa, says Grandmamasan Eight Ball. Insert evil grin.

6:55 AM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Staci, A good covert agent's work is never done. But Hawk is on his own this time. Sometimes you have to surf alone.

6:57 AM  

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