One Last Ride On The Magic Bus
It was fun, dudes. I really had a swell time looking into the nooks and crannies without the usual restrictions. Why, I even got to check out the Gennita Low files. Aha! Perked your interest, eh? Did you know has the cover to The Hunter files out already? Way kewl. Esp. when I, the mighty Special Eight Ball, got to read the ENDING. Nyah nyah nyah. I'll give a hint, dudes. Something Edibly-licious. And Hawk will be eating them. Unhurriedly. Nyah nyah nyah. I tell ya, if they only know what I can do if they set me loose! Insert evil, evil grin.
You know what? I'm not answering a fifth question. I looked and looked and saw nothing that pertained to the future, nothing with which a Special Eight Ball Program could serve the questioner. The info asked out there right now can be given on a daily basis because they are simple, easily found in the mother prog, and don't need my concentration. Your usual Eight Ball can answer them with half his ROM tied behind his RAM.
So I leave y'all to surf into the waves for a while. Someone did ask a really cool question though...who's Reed and Lily? Hmm. Are some of you playing with other Eight Balls?! You shouldn't know about them...yet.
Welcome back your regular Boring Whipholder, COMCEN, folks. If you and I behave, they might get me back here for more fun! Insert wink. Ya know I'm never wrong.... Out of battery, outta here. Chill.
You are hurting my feelings.
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