Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Future So Bright

Lily Noretski's deprogramming is now completed. It is now up to her what she wants to do next in her life.

I think she's a good asset for ComCen to have but that SEAL dude of hers, Reed, will probably disagree. He's got mucho mullah, so he can take care of her any way she wants. But will she be happy?

A woman like Lily Noretski needs an active lifestyle. She isn't going to stay at home twiddling thumbs while her SEAL boy run all over the world. She should work for us on a part time basis. Just saying.


Blogger Anna said...

I think that Lily would be miserable if she had nothing to do except to wait for her SEAL boy to come home from his dangerous missions. She needs something to keep her busy and her mind of how dangerous Reed's missions might be.

6:48 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Anna, Accurate. It will be this couple's "bone of contention," is that how one uses that term? To be fair to Reed, the dude does seem to understand Lily's strengths and weaknesses, so maybe it won't be too much of a problem.

8:29 AM  

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