Shippers Delight
In rereading The Protector files, I have noticed the deep friendship between Hawk and Jazz as observed through Gennita Low's eyes. How interesting. And here I thought it was all just human alpha male dialogue. I'm now very intrigued about how she observed the opposite spectrum, the human alpha female dialogue between Amber Hutchens and Lily Noretski. These two women are the best of friends--is their relationship comparable to Hawk and Jazz's? And when everything blows up and falls apart, will they hold on to this human friendship thing?
Talking about relationship, Jazz and Vivi Verreau has set a date. The ring, by the way, was a beautiful diamond surrounded by blood red Vietnamese rubies. And, for some odd reason, he also gave her a bark off a tree. What an unromantic present! A bark off a tree? Why would that gesture make Vivi blush like that? Odd. Very odd. But she did make a very beautiful blushing bride-to-be.
I only hope he doesn't try to top this by playing the Da Nhat. He isn't very good at it.
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