Sunday, March 19, 2006

Big Unimportant Things

Dudes, do you really want me to continue with these Hell journal entries? I mean, don't you prefer my news to her take of her reality? Really. Hers is kind of skewed. She has very little information and she's not explaining anything well at all. What's yadda, yadda, yadda got to do with an Important Scientific Experiment like TIvRRV? Aha! You're now curious what the heck TIVRRV is, huh? Tooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaad. It's Helen's longwindedness about big male parts, and that's what you get:

"I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to see him naked like this. It's not REALLY naked, I know, but it's my mind and he's naked so pfffffft, I'm not going to overthink it. He's virtual reality naked; he's walking around me naked; he's inches from me naked. So to my senses, he IS naked and I get that girly hot feeling whenever he gets too close.

But I can't give that up! Not yet. I really love my avatar. Not HIM, but this beautiful creature. Damn his smart mouth, though. Do you know what he said when I asked him about his sudden big parts? He said something about "one should always be grateful for big blessings," or something like that. Gah. It made me want to give him a small penis. I just might do that one of these days.

I'm well aware of what they're doing, of course. They want me to think I have some measure of control over the whole program when they're busy playing with his brainwaves and mine. Once we are in sync., he told me it would reflect our virtual reality, what we see and sense together. I'm not comfortable with that idea yet. It's all right when I'm thinking about doing it during an operation but when your "partner" is naked and all you want to do is to examine his beauty and look DOWN there, it's totally unprofessional. But soooo enjoyable. Definitely so enjoyable.

I can't believe I'm horny about a stupid virtual guy. But that's what not having sex all these months would do to a healthy hot-blooded female. Working with these commandos is going to be too much fun. And Fly Boy--Yum. There's a commando I don't mind walking around naked...."

You see? Helen does not offer any insight about this Big Experiment. All she talks about is men and them walking around naked. Surely, that isn't what you want to know!


Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

SQ, naughty, naughty.

Joker isn't a COS commando but is one of the SEALs that were in the Joint Mission with GEM. He's not a COMCEN personnel.

I'll look at Nikki Harden's tumtum when she comes to visit.... Sigh, the things an eight ball has to do....

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, definitely continue the Hell journal!!!

11:13 AM  

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