Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Cookie Crumbs

From Hell's journal:

I've been thinking a little more about the serum. They tell me that it's the newest version, much better, they think, than the first version. Notice they didn't say much safer. And after "experiencing" Armando Chang, I'm not sure whether it is, or not. But he's alive and isn't totally out-of-control, so....

Am I afraid? Not really. Not at this point, anyway. It's all about focus, and I've been in training for two years, focusing on the physical aspects of what's required of me. It's an automatic given to accept that dangerous missions come with dangerous risks. Besides, some of the commandos had used the first version and had attested that the drug worked in its capacity.

I get bored listening to the scientific explanation being drilled at me anyway. Yeah, yeah, pain suppressant, yeah, yeah, limbic and hypothalamus activity and their roles to the senses, yadda yadda yadda. So I'll be able to do with less sleep and can tolerate more pain--it all sounds physical to me.

I know that the big brass doesn't think about my abilities. Bring 'em on.

As for what I did to my trainer's avatar. Oh dear. The man looked even MORE gorgeous in virtual reality. I about wet my panties when I turned around and this...this...totally naked, well-hung man walked toward me. I don't know whether I can take this kind of temptation every session! But true to form, the man still talks like an arrogant asshole. Wish I can change that too.

Hell is the best of all the candidates. Nothing to worry about, dudes, nothing at all.

Personally, I think Hell should play fair and be naked in VR too. Just saying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What make you think ANYONE would want to see Hell naked?????

Thank you anyway!

11:42 AM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Dear Anonymous,
Are you saying no one wants to see Hell naked? No one???

The idea was to give Hell some control. I also suspect our monitor does not want to even give a hint to Hell what he looks like. A clue? What, do I look like a board game? Insert evil grin. How about tall, dark, handsome and deadly?

9:20 AM  

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