Friday, March 24, 2006

Family Ties

Today, Jed McNeil received an email from his daughter. She's been accepted to do an internship in D.C., in translation. She added that "hopefully," she "will be able to see him more." I think he should go see her more often. The girl's too independent on her own. Why, she even calls her own father, "Jed." Strange girl. Last time I saw her, she had green hair. Hope she's back to normal now. Green hair doesn't look good on a D.C. intern walking around international big shots. Maybe a job will tame that wild streak in her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just how old is this Jed guy to have a daughter THAT old? I hope he's young enough to get it up!

10:08 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

That is what i was just going to ask. How OLD is he? We know his birthday is on April 1.

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we could work backwards - Jed's daughter is an intern. How old was Monica Lewinksy when she gave her own Daddy second thoughts about her career in D.C? Twenty-one? I don't know if there is any minimum age limit for interns as I'm not American. Still, it would make Jed at least forty if he became a father at nineteen.

If Jed is over forty, I hope he's still able to keep it *up* especially since I know how jaded he is. By the time he meets Hell, IF he's her monitor, monitoring might be the only thing he feels like doing or is capable of doing anymore!

I think that's why I don't particularly care for my alpha romance heroes to have grown up kids. Strike one against my Jed.

10:48 PM  
Blogger COMCEN Magic Eight Ball said...

Tsk. Dudes. If you really have to know, Grace is 20/21. Jed became a dad at 16/17/18. He won't tell exactly. I do know that he was using weapons at a very, very young age, and was given many fake IDs with different ages. He might even be younger than he says. How do you think he became this jaded? So that makes him umm... under forty. By the way, being an Eight Ball, I can predict that Grace will get married before her dad. Or, engaged, anyway. Insert evil grin.

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like a Jed that's 40. Seasoned. And sexy. Besides, Grace doesn't act like the normal kid. That's okay, Jed is mine and I love all of him!

10:00 AM  

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