Thursday, August 27, 2009

Eight Ball Philosophy 101

Armando likes to play some strange tunes. Sometimes I listen in because he and I share a good taste in music.

Remember the one he hummed to Hell the first time they met? He used to listen to that a lot. But lately, this headbanger that's been blasting his Nano out -- a song by Drowning Pool titled Bodies -- has made me start to wonder. Does the human mind reflect the lyrics or vice-versa? And if so, what does it all mean?

Because, dudettes, this song? It's very disturbing.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I've Been Activated Again

Dudettes, did you miss me?


I'm glad they've done a system restore to this program. Eight Ball is back with the lowdown on all the details of various operations and operatives.

You have questions for Eight Ball?

Fire away.


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