Saturday, October 27, 2007

Jed And Elevators Part Deux

That little INTEL Gennita posted about Jed and elevators? Well. I have the ending recording of that particular little episode.

It went like this:

“Only if you’d admit to me that you’re Hades,” she panted. “Then I might let you fuck me. But I don’t think you’re him anyway. Five minutes? Hades can do a lot better.”

Jed smiled slowly. She was bargaining with him while letting him win this fight. It was a classic NOPAIN move. He expected no less from a GEM operative. She wasn’t going to win today, though.

See? I can give teasing INTEL too.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

I Think I Got It

Well, well, well. I finally figure out one thing. HE had been so busy, HE HADN'T HEARD about Nikki's pregnancy! So, he just found out, according to the grapevine. My, my. Now, Gennita just told me about his planning to meet with Nikki outside the office?

Yeah, His Jedness, as some of you like to call him, must want to see Nikki's little bump for himself. He's a busybody, as you know. Ahem.

Overheard: T. tells Alex that nothing he says will change her mind. It's "no." I don't know what she was no-ing about, dudes, sorry. But you can do some conjectures *insert evil grin.*

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