Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's Not Koolaid

I'm computing whether Armando Chang is experiencing the same problem as Hell. He doesn't appear to be touch-sensitive, at least, not in the way I'm told Hell is. But dude is evasive about information concerning what he's going through, and without that, I can't give an accurate calculation.

But he did take SYMBIOS II. And he does get rare migraines, and dudettes, talk about complete mental shutdown. Even I shudder at the idea of such incapacity. Could it be, that his interest in Hell is more than it seems? Probability of this assumption calculated: 73.5 percent plus/minus 15 percent for lack of facts.

What I find interesting was his little speech during Hell's initiation into what SYMBIOS II effects felt like. He likened the serum to Alice in Wonderland. How odd for the younger son of a Triad gangster to use that comparison! But then he was a college geek. A college geek who wants to be an illusionist. Dude is incomprehensible to me.

Number Eight wants to try SYMBIOS II. Pain has its attraction, I suppose. That, or our boy's brainwaves are crashing.

If I know how to worry like a mother, I should start right now.

Friday, November 09, 2007

All Kinds of Negatives

Overheard, and not neccessarily in the same conversation among the same people of interest:

"No, I won't marry you."

"No, it's not over."

No, he won't forget.

No, she won't forget either.


No, she wasn't going without him.

"No, that wasn't the serum."

No, each weapon went to the highest bidder. No, different motives.

"No, not the bustier with the tassles!"

Insert evil grin.

No, she's his.

No, she isn't.

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