Friday, December 30, 2005

Things That Make You Go Hmmm

Has anyone seen T and Alex?

Not me.

Insert evil grin.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Where To Take A Hungry Man

I have just gotten a peek at the Vivi's and Jazz's wedding reception menu. Whoa. It reads like heavenly manna for many hungry men. Oh yeah...a bunch of SEALs and all of the McMillans. That's a lot of hungry men.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Specialists Are Us

We have a specialist who is very good at getting the most reluctant people to tell the good stuff during debriefing. Have I told you about him? His name is odd too. Heath Cliffe. Yeah, like that character. Come to think of it, he's brooding like the same character too. And dark and wild-looking as a gypsy. No one knows where he's from. Wow, a name that fits, huh?

Anyway, he's working on the Llallana Noretski file. I think he'll get us all the information we want, what do you think?

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Everyone's Happy

Well, not everyone. But I suppose, unlike me, humans just are never satisfied.

The mission's accomplished and everyone's going through debriefing. Llallana has chosen to stay and Reed appears to be relieved but since he's also back in Joker form, so it's hard for me to gauge these little human nuances. Dude, you need to take the lady surfing when all this debriefing is know, another kind of debriefing. If that doesn't make him crack a smile, I don't know what will.

Something that'll make you happy: The Sleeper file's declassified now that the mission is A for Accomplished. Yeah, that's F for Fact. Now you'll find out WHO ISN'T HAPPY.

As for me, my Mentor is messing with my motherboard-brain. He's teasing that he's adding a new feature, a chum, a buddy-program, something that's like the Super 8-Ball. Is he MAD? Do I look like I need company in my SPACE? Dude, I don't need no stinkin' chum. I just know it's going to be worse that Super 8-Ball. My mentor claims it'll give me wisdom and sarcasm. Wazzat? Do I look like I need wisdom and sarcasm? Insert SNEER. That's sarcasm, yo.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Future Is Uncertain

Greta, Greta, Greta...ah, poor Greta.

As for Llallana, she is going to have to spend some time at Center. She knows that she needs help but will she take it? Reed can be persuasive.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What Problem?

Lots of big kabooms later, we have all the girls safe and sound. There was a brief showdown with Other Important Spies In The Area but an international confrontation was avoided. Now, time to deal with the woman, Greta....

Oh wait, is that Reed kissing Llallana? These SEAL dudes, tsk. They're always doing that. What's wrong with them? Then, they fight and yell and grumble. Dudes, surfing's less stressful! You should know, Reed, yo!

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Dudes, you should have seen it! Showdown between the SEALs and G. G.'s men. C-4, machine guns, grenades.... Who do you think won?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Looks That Deceived

Whoa, I finally saw Greta Van Duren's new look. There is nothing soft or fragile about this little lady. She sure doesn't look like the white-haired efficient secretary in the Company file.

T. has done a good job researching the background to this very woman. She'd been gone so long/disappeared for so long, most of us underground types aren't even aware of her any more. And all along, she'd been undercover in the CIA! There is tenacity in a woman who would give up ten years of her life for the part of a non-descript secretary. Why? I want to understand.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Soft SEAL, Tough Little Old Ladies

So my conclusion: love sure is a strange human emotion, dudes. It makes big tough SEALs all desperate and gooey and protective. It's LURV, yo.

Our SEAL Reed Vincenzio came through for his team and the IED is finally in our hands. But there's one more person to deal with and she has done the most damage--Greta Van Duren. Yes, a little old lady with soft-white hair, who loved to knit, and was KIND to TIARA operative Cameron. Yes, that same old little lady.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

A Little Complication

Don't worry, Hawk isn't going to let Lily die. I hope not, anyway. After all, it's now quite clear that her trigger's been reactivated. What's Reed going to do? He's the sharpshooter, after all, and he'll have to get the weapon, even if Lily stands in the way. Right?

Friday, December 09, 2005


As in any mission, things can go wrong. That 10 percent of failure rate I mentioned in the previous post? Like I said, bad things happen unexpectedly. That's why the world needs insurance adjusters, yo.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

We've got T, Nikki and Amber. He's got Greta and ?. Ha.

The Walrus is smarter than anticipated. He has two women as well as the missing girls that he's using. Not to mention Greta. He's got Greta good. But I'm reading a 90 percent success rate here. I mean, come on. MY girls know what they're doing. From my looks like Girls Gone Alpha. Awesome!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


T.'s in a very precarious position. One mistep and she could be in the way of bullets. I'm hoping a certain gentleman will be in time.

The group in Pristina is now in meeting to map out coordinates. Reed and Llallana are now to be used as bait.

Jed won't be the one ending this mission. The usual finesse will be lacking. You just wait and see.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Women Are A Step Ahead

Dudes, I think I'm beginning to understand more about female friendships. Some things you just have to observe and learn. I have seen how men strike out at betrayals and loss of trust. But women...they're the most generous creatures on earth. They forgive...with insight, with understanding, and with utter conviction. Such was the reunion between two women. I observe. And I learn.

Unfortunately, Hawk wasn't around to see this and learn.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Making The Right Moves

Guess Amber won the argument/discussion with Hawk McMillan...she's going to Pristina with the rest of the gang. Human relationships--so much more complicated than surfing.

Now I'm kind of looking forward to the big meeting. How is Llallana going to react on seeing Amber? Will she run again? Or will she stay and face the friend she betrayed? My Mentor and I are placing making bets. Things are heating up in Pristina! About time too.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Meanwhile, In Another Section Of CCC...

If you ask me, Hell came out of the virtual reality Portal looking a little flushed, dudes, and that's why she made some excuse to go to the ladies' room so the usual vitals check-up wouldn't betray her. Hmmm...wonder what she was hiding? And also what her monitor did to her to cause that spike in the vital readings? Insert evil grin.

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