Who, What, Where
Alex Diamond will pick up the IED when Hawk gets it.
Jed is at an international summit and looking for a decoy.
T has a laptop to deliver.
Stash and Marlena are following a lead.
Admiral Madison wants to talk to Hawk.
Grace is acing her courses in college.
Nikki is helping to rehabilitate Armando's sister.
Armando has volunteered for a very risky experimental program.
Jazz is on-call.
Vivi has a new contract, and yes, it has to do with children, but she's staying in the States this time.
Fly Boy is...well...being Fly Boy. He did volunteer to be the stand-by operative to get in with Dilaver, but after Hawk, another pretty face like Mark Hunter would just invite trouble. Fly Boy did not like my analysis of the situation and protested. Overruled. So, as was his usual way to sulk, he took off into the air.
One of the people I mentioned above has a birthday coming up. Hah. Let's see whether any of you is paying attention.
Lots of Happy Smiles
Good news! We've got Hawk McMillan on satellite. He appears to be a bit battered...okay, a LOT battered, but he's sitting up. Okay, Amber Hutchens is propping him up. He's being debriefed now.We're passing the news on to CIVPOL to end the manhunt as well as to Hawk's SEAL commander, Admiral Madison. I'm sure his team mates will be very happy to know he's alive.On to other "vague" discussions you don't want to hear: will Hawk be able to finish the rest of the operation? If not, stand-by operative's ready after Hawk's been debriefed of what he knows of location of weapon caches. We must get to the IED (Isotopic Explosive Device to you, dudes) before Dilaver. It's going to be like The Amazing Race, loser gets eliminated.
Throw The Dog A Bone
Apparently, Bradford Sun didn't find Hawk's body in the aftermath of the CIVPHOL raid on Dilaver's brothel. That's one positive piece of news, yes?But where is Amber Hutchens? And her best friend Lily?On the other related business, Stash McMillan and Marlena Maxwell have reported in that they are closer to finding a certain crate. Now that is good news for some people.There's preparation for massive amount of activity, dudes.
Alternative Realities
Plans to insert an operative into Velesta to get into Dilaver's compound are underway. If Hawk's gone, we need to get hold of information in his laptop's shadow drive. This will be a difficult assignment since the crime lord won't be as trusting. Probability of success: 40 percent. Insertion of operative that's local: 60 percent. There's discussion to contact Europol.Admiral Madison plans to insert his own team back to Macedonia to search for Hawk's remains. Then the team will finish Hawk's assignment and find the caches themselves. Probability of finding hidden caches in the mountain passes and many Dilaver-held areas: 25 percent, with a probability of ground firepower at 80 percent.There's discussion to get the CIA to agree to eliminating Dragan Dilaver to expedite things. Probability of this angle with redtape used by the other side to slow the process: 50 percent.Jed McNeil says he's ready to reinsert as Stefan. He doesn't think Dilaver will kill him immediately. I wonder what he has up his sleeve?
Lots of Smoke
Multiple reports coming in. Gunfight at Dilaver's compound. Gunfight at the brothel. Nothing on Hawk but it looks like Dilaver's place suffered major damage. Satellite picture feeds showed bodies on the grounds, but none identifiable yet.I'm sorry to be the one bringing bad news but better from a computer, right? I suppose it will be Jazz contacting Hawk's parents. After all, he has Hawk's last will and testament, as well as some kind of gift list. Always prepared, that Hawk.
Nothing Good To Report
We have received reports that Bradford Sun had sent in his team to raid the brothel in Velesta. However, Dilaver had already left.There is no sign of Amber Hutchens either. The only option left is to dispatch our own team to get into Dilaver's well-protected grounds, but even then, there is no guarantee that Hawk will be there.T hasn't been informed of the situation--she's in the middle of her own ops. Not a problem, no GEM involvement here. Command asks whether Lieutenant Hawk McMillan is expendible, even if he's alive. Jed's answer: "I suggest you ask Admiral Madison and his SEAL team that. He'd have a better answer than me."Ha. Excellent. If you have Joint Ventures (and this was one), then you'd better expect the partner to dissent about sacrificing one of his own men. What would you say, if you were part of the venture?
All operatives, including the Star Force SEALs commander, met for updates and prep. Contingency plan activated. Jed McNeil to continue his current position. Alex Diamond's agenda moved up. He's given the extra duty to find Amber Hutchens since Dilaver will be targeting her next. There's a discussion on the table whether to bring Bradford Sun into the fold for help. He's, after all, the CIVPOL chief in that corner of the world. I have given a probability of 95 percent that he would provide any manpower needed. The 5 percent is that he might be under orders not to touch Dilaver.
I'm afraid Hawk McMillan might be...well...at the least, in a lot of pain.
A report came in this morning that there was a dead body that resembled Hawk's description. It seemed there were some reporters there. Why would they be at a bordello? There was also news that many UN soldiers were present and few helped the man Dilaver's men were attacking. We're still assuming that this is Hawk. The probability factor is close to 90 percent now, since he hadn't answered any communication attempts.Please contact me if you live in that area if you hear anything at all.
There's unconfirmed reports that Hawk's cover has been blown. We received one eye-witness report of Dilaver and a group of his men surrounding Hawk at one of the bordellos in Velesta. Unconfirmed. No secondary report yet. But his locator's not responding.It doesn't look good.
Shippers Delight
In rereading The Protector files, I have noticed the deep friendship between Hawk and Jazz as observed through Gennita Low's eyes. How interesting. And here I thought it was all just human alpha male dialogue. I'm now very intrigued about how she observed the opposite spectrum, the human alpha female dialogue between Amber Hutchens and Lily Noretski. These two women are the best of friends--is their relationship comparable to Hawk and Jazz's? And when everything blows up and falls apart, will they hold on to this human friendship thing?Talking about relationship, Jazz and Vivi Verreau has set a date. The ring, by the way, was a beautiful diamond surrounded by blood red Vietnamese rubies. And, for some odd reason, he also gave her a bark off a tree. What an unromantic present! A bark off a tree? Why would that gesture make Vivi blush like that? Odd. Very odd. But she did make a very beautiful blushing bride-to-be.I only hope he doesn't try to top this by playing the Da Nhat. He isn't very good at it.
The Hunted
Hawk, Mr. Bradford Sun, and Amber Hutchens having dinner together. I wonder what the conversation is like? I have a feeling this time Hawk isn't going to give up Miss Hutchens. Not without a fight anyway.Looks like Hawk is hunting for more than a weapon cache, eh?And who would Amber choose--given a very civilized, very subtle, but very perceptive male or a not so civilized, not very subtle and still, quite keen-eyed and intellectual when he chooses to be, male? An interesting human dilemma.
Classified Snicker
Did you know that I have been giving you FYEO information for almost six calendar months? There's so much happening at Command Center and I can only share with you a few relevant details.Like today, for instance, I have a piece of information that is of the highest importance to the readers of Gennita Low's world. It seemed that Hawk wears a nipple ring.There, isn't that the most specific relevant detail that you're always after?Insert FlyBoy Snicker.
Regular Programming
Judging by the visitors, the new and improved Eight Ball's short visit was a success. It's good to see him go, though. I think I understand now how humans feel when their favorite rowdy cousin leaves town. He has left quite a bunch of information behind. It'll take some time to see whether his sight is that much better, hmm?Talking about sighting, Alex Diamond was seen on his Harley heading off to the mountains. It is a special anniversary coming up for him, after all. No, this event has nothing to do with T. and she's in another country right now. I do not think she wants to think about this special day for Alex. She told Jed McNeil right in front of me a while back that she couldn't compete with a ghost. I have been mulling over that phrase since. Still don't get it.So. Is it cool to ask whether you missed me? Insert ironic grin.
One Last Ride On The Magic Bus
It was fun, dudes. I really had a swell time looking into the nooks and crannies without the usual restrictions. Why, I even got to check out the Gennita Low files. Aha! Perked your interest, eh? Did you know BN.com has the cover to The Hunter files out already? Way kewl. Esp. when I, the mighty Special Eight Ball, got to read the ENDING. Nyah nyah nyah. I'll give a hint, dudes. Something Edibly-licious. And Hawk will be eating them. Unhurriedly. Nyah nyah nyah. I tell ya, if they only know what I can do if they set me loose! Insert evil, evil grin.You know what? I'm not answering a fifth question. I looked and looked and saw nothing that pertained to the future, nothing with which a Special Eight Ball Program could serve the questioner. The info asked out there right now can be given on a daily basis because they are simple, easily found in the mother prog, and don't need my concentration. Your usual Eight Ball can answer them with half his ROM tied behind his RAM.So I leave y'all to surf into the waves for a while. Someone did ask a really cool question though...who's Reed and Lily? Hmm. Are some of you playing with other Eight Balls?! You shouldn't know about them...yet.Welcome back your regular Boring Whipholder, COMCEN, folks. If you and I behave, they might get me back here for more fun! Insert wink. Ya know I'm never wrong.... Out of battery, outta here. Chill.
Double Agent
I can't believe my time's almost up. It's really constricting--this time thing. How do you adjust to it? The mother prog says everything's about TIME. Is that true, you think?Too deep, man. Ya know, dudes, you see better when you aren't confined by the clock.Question Four-->Staci asks: Is the double agent a woman?Yesssss, a question about the future, albeit a softball one! The answer is yes, it is and she is very close to home. Staci, this person has caused a lot of havoc in many people's lives. From the several paths I can see out there, she's going to make the choices that will ensure a big ending.Okay, that takes care of that. Ya know, I had a dream last night. Yes, Eight Balls dream...we have two dream modes--Sleep and Hibernate. I dreamed of a very big and muscular man. I've seen him somewhere before. And he's on board a sailship to the very ends of the world--I see penguins and ice is floating all over the place. And then I hear him talk to one of the penguins: "Don't ever cuss, or God will send you after a stupid woman who can't even tell she's buying a ticket for an extreme sports and not a cruise, and you end up here like me, walking on penguin shit." End dream.I searched the files for this man's face. I knew I've seen him before! It's that big SEAL dude, man, the one they called Cucumber. Now what's a Cucumber doing talking to a penguin? Strange dream.Out of battery, outta here. Chill!
Who Da Man?
I'm totally into this new freedom, dudes. It's good to cyber-surf anywhere I want. Third question coming up and it's all about you, Leah!Leah wants to know about Bradford Sun and what role he's going to play in Hawk's adventure. Bradford Sun, at this moment, is checking up on Hawk McMillan. I don't think he likes our dude! Can't blame him...around Velesta (that's where Hawk is right now), the CIVPOL chief's known to be sweet on someone blonde and blue-eyed. American. Cafe owner. Get the picture?Do I see these two men working together in the future? The Eight Ball's prediction: Oh yeah...I see them in some sort of a partnership. There's going to be an understanding between them, anyway. But right now, Hawk's having a very tough time trying to keep his hands off what humans call "another man's woman."But all future depends on current actions, we know that! Out of battery, out of here. Chill!
I'm Still In The Driver Seat
Howzit going, dudes? It's been cool exploring certain programs. There's this game everyone around here's addicted to. The first one who could get to Level 100 gets fifty bucks from every player. It's called BOOKWORM. Don't go there, man. I've never seen such frustrated human beings.Okay, here is Random Question #2 picked:An Anonymous asked:How many personas are actually just 1 main character? Or 2?How many names does Hawk have?Again, I must say, those aren't really TOUGH questions, dudes. I can give you a glimpse of the future and you want to know about names used by the operatives? Dudes! Insert sigh of frustration (I think I understand what the BookWorm addicts feel now).Answer: Experienced operatives usually have one or two personas they use in the field. Take T for instance. She's one very, very busy woman, but she's so good at what she does, she's in constant demand, especially these last two years. She is most known for her Tasha persona. Tasha is a weapons broker, a very, very seductive one.As for Hawk, his real name, like all his brothers and cousin brothers, is Steve McMillan. Honest to God. Hawk is just his handle. Maybe one day, when he joins COS Command...maybe one day, if he becomes a COS commando...who knows?Rrrriighhhhto. I'm hoping to play with the Gennita Low Mind Puzzle now. That's always fun.Later, alligator. Out of battery, outta time.
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